We exist to preach the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Services at 8:15a, 9:30a & 10:45a.

Childcare provided for infants-3rd grade during all three services.
4th-5th grade available during third service.

We will livestream the 9:30a service on YouTube.

Men’s Bible Study

Our next men’s study begins the week of March 23 and will be on the book of Psalms. The study will meet on Sundays 10:45a or Wednesdays at 6:00a.

Veritas School of Theology

Applications are open for our VST Core Program. Students will grow through biblical content, theological discussions, and spiritual formation.

Easter Baptisms

Sign up to be baptized at one of our Easter services on Saturday, April 19, or Sunday, April 20.

Miss a service?

Catch up here.

Visit us.

700 Forevergreen Rd
Tiffin, IA 52340

(319) 338-1377


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